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  • Writer's picturegreylemon

My 2020 Resolutions

Updated: Jan 24, 2020

I am in no way a resolutions gal, because I run from conformity the second I hear the words "I promise...". So this list might be a bit counterintuitive, but the reason why I decided to pen this down is to open up a conversation about what I believe as successes and failures. Setting resolutions for the new year always involves aspects of our lives we're less satisfied with, less content to see it's current status as either incomplete or non-existent. We're way too hard on ourselves. I am way too hard on myself because I demand perfection in my endeavours. Regardless of whether I achieve it, the drive to push my way through stems from how bad I can imagine myself as better or wiser by doing so. But setting unattainable standards and glorifying excessive struggle is something I want less of this year. These resolutions aren't exactly resolutions, but reminders to be kinder and more mindful about one's expectations, and how I will have to accept not reaching the zenith with the kind of compassion I'd share with my comrades facing the same battles. Also, I don't have 20 resolutions - I know I'm a monster, but if I do find more, I will update this not so exhaustive and not so personal (but somewhat personal) list.


1. Your body will treat you the way you treat it. Long story short, don't starve it from the nutrition it needs - sleep, knowledge, healthy food and liquid gold aka water.


2. Read about what is happening around you. Yes, reading articles and instagram posts about climate and policy changes do count, but they do not explain the whole story - just the majority's opinion. Read deeply about these stories to form your own opinion and stand by with evidence and resolution.

3. One thing about opinions - they can change. Not always though, because I know I will not be convinced I am living on a flat earth anytime soon. But opinions can be rattled and developed with more information and perspective.

4. Another thing about opinions is they tend to blind certain folks and lead them to believe they are standing on a pedestal formed by the decapitated heads of those who think the contrary. It's not easy dealing with these guys, but it will do you more good by keeping your ground and your cool and not stooping to their level (or raising to their idiocy).


5. You don't have to do everything perfectly, but doing something is a step forward. I have so many hobbies I haven't dabbled with in months and some, years, because I feel I don't have the time to really do it right or use it to do something worthwhile. Truth is, I enjoyed these hobbies more than anything, and I ache to get back into watercolor painting or playing Schubert in the early hours of the morning. Why I don't do them now - I'm terrified of not getting it right, of not reaching the intended effects with the brush in my hand or my fingers jumbling up on the piano keys. The more I am consumed by fear, the more guilty I feel for not even trying to embrace them for the joy they'd give me. Lesson is - try, be bad at it, be messy, be loud and obnoxious, but at least try.

6. Not every second of your time has to be productive or monetized. Again, hobbies are great to relax yourself and bring you into a world of possibilities, and they can be great for some to turn into their primary earnings. You don't have to feel selfish for enjoying them without trying to gain profit from it, nor can anyone make you feel guilty for not pushing your passion to the edge where it no longers holds your interest. You. Do. You.


7. You are not a bad person for not being able to check off all the boxes expected by you. Yes, I try to be more sustainable. Yes, I am aware I do not do all the things expected of those who advocate sustainability and positive impact (by reposting eco-memes and adding YESSSS). No, I am not exempted from doing my best to be as eco-friendly as possible. It is hard enough to live up to your heroes and admired peers' expectations of yourself (you don't have to but it's nice), but it is highly discouraging when you are your worst critic. Be nice to yourself!

8. Lastly, (I thought I'd make it to 10 but this is all I've got, I'll do better next time!!), detox your computer/phone/closet/house because it does not do to dwell on memories (of things you don't even need or care about). Let's Kon-Marie 2020 of the past decade's disasters and start on new messes.

Happy reading and yay me for creating my first blog post and this website which was super overdue. See, I'm already rocking point 5.


Disclaimer! Cover images and GIFs are not my own.

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